A weekly reflective journal is one of the formative assessment methods used in this course, which is worth 5%, given upon completion. Therefore, the current study adopts a case study methodology which probes students written views through their weekly reflective journals to inform instructional practices in an EFL writing course in a university context. description, feelings, evaluation, conclusion and action), I analysed 78 reflective journals from multicultural backgrounds in a university in Qatar. As shown in Table 1, seventy-eight EFL female students majoring in English, representing seven nationalities, participated voluntarily in the current study. Reflective writing is a process of identifying, questioning, and critically evaluating course-based learning opportunities, integrated with your own observations, experiences, impressions, beliefs, assumptions, or biases, and which describes how this process stimulated new or creative understanding about the content of the course. endobj You should maintain a formal tone, but it is acceptable to write in the first person and to use personal pronouns. But we also added this feature to the offline version as well, not just to keep feature parity, but to give a space to write project wide notes. Start a new submission or continue a submission in progress, Ready to submit? Journals. endobj While you can attach memos to sections of text, and use a source property to have notes attached to a section of text, there wasnt an designated to write generally in the project file. (RJ, teaching strategies that work, comprehension checking, S. 68, week 5). To overcome some imperfections of reflective journaling, I did the following procedures. <>52 0 R]/P 58 0 R/S/Link>> Students expressed their views informally, openly, privately in their reflective journals to which their teachers reacted promptly to their concerns. It can be something good or bad that has happened to you that you can self-reflect on and learn from past experiences. Methods. Finally, teachers classroom management and learning environment need to motivate students to learn (Khamis et al., Citation2008) and encourage whole-class activities (Lee, Citation1995). Refine the understanding of the responses of participants in the study, much like a physician or health care worker might do; 3. In addition, other future research could investigate teachers instructional practices using other data collection tools in various contexts such as interviews, auto-ethnography, focus-group discussion, or questionnaire etc. The relationship between the grading of reflective journals and student honesty in reflective journal writing. Marsh (Citation2007, p. 319) highlighted that students evaluation of teaching effectiveness is multidimensional, reliable and stable, relatively valid, relatively unaffected by biases, seen as useful by faculty as feedback about teaching, seen by students as helpful in course selection, and helped administrators in personnel decisions. An example is mentioned thus: It is my first time to experience an instructor who collects 10 QR from each late student. Key Words: Self-reflection, Qualitative Research, and Research Journals Introduction A reflexive approach to the research process . (RJ, Students Reported Challenges, Cooperative Learning, S. 18, week 11). endobj <>37 0 R]/P 6 0 R/S/Link>> Finally, I ensured that course instructors respond to students reflective journals to make reflective journals dialogic and interactive. 3099067 Somebody has paid for the research and they want to know the answers. <> Some ancient philosophers and educators emphasised the importance of reflection in their writings (Houston, Citation1988). Each research problem is unique. 3 0 obj A reflective journal is an account of your work in progress, but more essentially an opportunity for reflection on the learning experience. Reciprocal teaching of comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities, Reflection in education: A Kantian epistemology, Defining reflection: Another look at John Dewey and reflective thinking, Reflection in higher education: A concept analysis, Arab Middle Eastern women in Qatar and their perspectives on the barriers to leadership: Incorporating transformative learning theory to improve leadership skills, Teaching teachers to think: Reflective journaling as a strategy to enhance students understanding and practice of academic writing, Change in reflection of physiotherapy students over time in clinical placements, Teacher characteristics as predictors of teacher-student relationships: Stress, negative affect, and self-efficacy, Student views of effective online teaching in higher education. What does a reflective journal look like? If a researcher clearly describes the contextual intersecting relationships between the participants and themselves (reflexivity), it not only increases the creditability of the findings bu This brilliant book is a great guide for students undertaking their first piece of independent research. Students reflective journaling: an impa . 6. Lack of teachers electronic feedback is another challenge reported by sixty-two journal entries. Five TESOL specialists checked this reflective journal for face validity. Furthermore, it has been reported that teachers feedback on students journal entries could help improve their current learning, accomplish new leaning and become reflective (Gursansky et al., Citation2010). A reflective journal typically contains four key elements: entries, prompts, questions, and reflections. What steps are you going to take based on what you have learnt? I didn't have difficulty getting people to share their stories with me even though we had to take turns shouting into each other's ear. First, cooperative learning is important as it helps develop students problem-solving, negotiations and critical thinking (Hennebry & Fordyce, Citation2018). Their ideas informed Deweys concept of reflection (Citation1933) whose basic ideas describe reflection as an active and purposeful cognitive process that involves a sequence of interrelated ideas that take the seminal beliefs and knowledge into consideration (Hatton & Smith, Citation1995). For example, Feldman (Citation1976) revealed that effective teachers are those who stimulate interest, are clear and understandable, are knowledgeable of the subject matter, well-prepared and organised, enthusiastic for the course and teaching, concerned about and respectful of students, helpful and available to students, and open to class questions and discussion. Second, I ensured that participants details were kept private, anonymous and confidential. endobj Teaching strategies and their effects on teaching evaluations, Students evaluations of university teaching: Dimensionality, reliability, validity, potential biases and usefulness, Vallis typology of reflection and the analysis of pre-service teachers reflective journals, Blogging for reflection: The use of online journals to engage students in reflective learning. This study was useful to the current research as it highlighted the different factors that helped improve the quality of journal entries such as instructors feedback and convenient online access. Another study could explore the effectiveness of reflective journals in developing students reflection level. Journal of Social Issues . Methods: This paper reports on the learnings from a two-month participant observation at UK Policy Lab conducted in early 2019. This is not a good strategy as it keeps most of us irritated and threatened. Smith, B., 1999, Ethical and methodologic benefits of using a reflexive journal in hermeneutic-phenomenologic research., Image Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Another challenge is that when students write their reflective journals, they take into consideration what their teachers like to read, to get a high mark (Crme, Citation2005). Informed by Gibbs reflective cycle (Citation1988) (i.e. Assess the impact of this week on you and your future actions. A large body of research shows that journaling can improve our immune system response, clarify our thoughts, . The remaining five students speak Bengali as their first language. Another research indicated that the quality of teacher-student relationships is negatively affected by students problem behaviours (Pianta & Nimetz, Citation1991). Third, using reflective journals as the only data collection tool is considered a limitation as I could not use other tools such as an interview or a focus-group discussion due to female students conservative nature and their disapproval of expressing their views openly in a face-to-face fashion. A rubric helps support this process. It is a conscious mental process relying on thinking, reasoning, and examining one's own thoughts, feelings, and, ideas. <> Effects of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic goal structures on achievement: A meta-analysis. Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives includes papers that address the connections between reflection, knowledge generation, practice and policy. Fewer people want to know how it was done. The reflective practice is essential in research, since it aims at raising a thoughtful eye on oneself, which allows the subject to gain self-awareness ( Dahlberg et al., 2002, p. 139). Guided by the research questions and Gibbs reflective cycle, participants reflective journals were analysed using thematic content analysis (Radnor, Citation2001) to come up with themes and sub-themes. Second, the definitions of reflection along with its criteria, processes and teaching techniques do not seem to be clear (Procee, Citation2006; Rogers, Citation2001; Russell, Citation2005). Another three journal entries revealed students difficulty in communication with group mates as follows: The bad thing about group work is that we found it difficult to communicate. Appligent AppendPDF Pro 6.3 Effective college teaching from the students' and faculty's view: Matched or mismatched priorities? His feedback is just a matter of some ticks and very few handwritten comments focusing mainly on grammatical mistakes (RJ, Students Reported Challenges, Lack of Teachers Electronic Feedback, S. 77, week 4). For example, Watson (Citation2010) conducted a study to explore the use of reflective journals as an intervention strategy to improve twenty-five failing students understanding of the different expository methods employed as part of the academic writing course for six weeks. They are all basically the same thing a written (or verbal) record written by the researcher during the research process, detailing what they did and why. Therefore, I used students reflective journals to explore new understandings and challenges of these instructional practices from students perspectives. You may find the questions listed above can help you to develop an outline before you write your paper. 1 By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. application/pdf reflective journals are commonly used in research studies on different disciplines and teacher education ([2]; [7]; [9]; [13]; [14]). When keeping a reflective journal, it's important that you have privacy and convenience. Second, I reviewed the previous literature to design a reflective journal template that could help students reflect systematically, rigorously and scientifically. Seventy-three students speak L1Arabic as their mother tongue. Some amendments were made accordingly, and a final version of the reflective journal template was designed. Crossref. This study is informed by social constructivism and Gibbs reflective cycle (Citation1988) as its theoretical framework. Regular critical reflection is an invaluable tool for helping you gain new insights, deal with practical issues as they arise and develop your understanding. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? Findings: We found that, beyond human-centred and future-oriented practices, the designers working at this unit appropriate "design as a reflective practice" for the context of policymaking. Second, instructors were asked to give their students some electronic feedback on their reflective journals. <>59 0 R]/P 31 0 R/S/Link>> The current study recommends doing some future research in the following areas. I am used to instructors who used to email my assignments with some comments and corrections. In the current study, participants showed that their teachers use some strict classroom management strategies when it comes to disruptive students, ringing mobile phones, mocking students and unpunctual students. journal writing, and per-forming the action/reason-thematic procedure, takes into account some reflective strategies such as the feminist ''con- The aim of this paper is to show how reflective journals were used in engaging with the notion of creating transparency in the research process, and explore the impact of critical self-reflection on research design. First, I asked multicultural female university students to reflect on the instructional practices that they experienced in an English writing course to guarantee a valuable learning process for them and their teacher. Nurs Educ Perspect 2021; 42(4): 227-331.Epub ahead of print 26 May 2021. For the live collaboration in Quirkos cloud, we added a chat feature so that people can communicate, either in real time, or when working sequentially on their project. Findings revealed that students preferred the following teaching strategies: gradual teaching, exemplification, discussion, comprehension checking, cooperative learning, and graphic organisers. I find that pair work and group work open up our horizon and help develop my writing and critical thinking skills. 3. 2021-02-25T11:37:00-08:00 2021-02-25T11:37:00-08:00 Finally, a mixed-method study could be a possible venue to explore students perspectives on instructional practices both quantitatively and qualitatively. The grading rubric for the reflective assignment was based on four criteria: understanding, reflection, evidence/practice, and structure/coherence. Findings also showed students reported challenges such as strict classroom management, lack of teachers electronic feedback, teachers frequent questioning, recurrent turn-taking, time mismanagement, lack of handouts, cooperative learning problems, mocking students, ringing mobile phones, unpunctual students and dealing with disruptive students. Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives is a refereed journal publishing papers which seeks to address one or more of the following themes: Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives publishes original, challenging and stimulating work which explores reflection within and on practice, as a collective activity, that concerns personal knowing and transformation, collective regeneration and political activism, reflection and voice, values, negotiated meaning, identity and community. Using a case study methodology, the researcher collected seventy-eight reflective journals, written by bilingual female university students in Qatar. Portfolios as evidence of reflective practice: What remains untold? For instance, (Gursansky et al., Citation2010) explored students capacity to reflect on the learning process by using an online journal. I am losing my pocket money to abide by these silly classroom rules. On the history and growth of the stigma concept: A reflection on the positioning of social relationships in stigma research . Some of these challenges revolve around teachers instructional and classroom management techniques. While this is a good strategy, it wastes much time, and it is very repetitive in class as most girls in the class are chatty. etc. However, reflective journals were reported as exhausting for the teachers as they required much energy for marking. Certificated training in research ethics has been offered at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, since 2019. The following attributes characterise reflective journals: written, dated, informal, flexible, private and archival (Stevens & Cooper, Citation2009, pp. A trial run was also carried out with three students to double check the clarity of questions. For example, I could not paraphrase two lines of a given text, and all of us worked together to paraphrase the text meaningfully. Despite acknowledging that each student has been contacted to permit using their journal entries, I am wondering how the researcher addressed the issue of the power relation between the teacher and her students. My writing was bad because I did not use brainstorming or graphic organisers to outline my ideas logically. Start a new submission or continue a submission in progress. Many group mates are talking at the same time, and everyone wants to be the group leader. endobj Moreover, the less challenging issues reported by students through their reflective journal entries are mocking students [45], students presentation [43], unpunctual students [39], and ringing mobile phones [20]. In addition, all instructors assigned five follow-up training sessions, each of which lasted for ten minutes throughout the course to help students write a more critical, analytical, evaluative and conclusive reflection. endobj Moreover, female students in the concerned university in Qatar are not used to reflection; therefore, Gibbs model provided a guiding structure and some cue questions to answer which would help smooth their reflection on the instructional practices employed in the English writing course. Reflection and learning are deeply intertwined with each other and reflections are central in integrating theoretical and practical competencies, as well as to raise awareness around implicit assumptions (Mezirow, Citation 1997; Schn, Citation 1983).In practice, students will face several situations that are unclear, confusing, complex, and unstable . People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. Lai, G., & Calandra, B. In addition, students were not biased, as they knew that the purpose of this research is to improve instructional practices and their instructors assured them that their opinions would neither affect their grades nor their relations with them. This motivates us to concentrate more. Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article. The quality of teacher-student relationships needs to be marked by understanding, emotionally-responsiveness, mutual respect and democracy in a non-threatening or non-punitive environment to develop life-long learning (Feldman, Citation1988; Yoon, Citation2002). <>4]/P 6 0 R/Pg 62 0 R/S/Link>> The current study took place at a university in Qatar; an Arab country that is marked by its conservative culture and traditions. If you want to see how intuitive and simple Quirkos makes qualitative analysis, you can try either it with Cloud storage or offline storage for free, for Windows, Mac or Linux. Reflective journals are used in the literature to promote students learning, develop writing skills, assess students reflection level, promote teachers professional development, and gather research data. Forty-five students clarified how the teacher makes fun of them in class as exemplified below: What I do not like about our professor is that he mocks me when I answer a question incorrectly. Firstly, it is important for teachers and stakeholders to take students views seriously to further develop the teaching practices and teachers effective characteristics. Moreover, defined as the presentation of an example or a nonexample of a concept, research showed that exemplification facilitates the acquisition of mathematical concepts (Charles, Citation1980). (RJ, Students Reported Challenges, Strict Classroom Management, S. 78, Week 6). endobj First, a sample size of 78 undergraduate students is quite small. A reflective note encourages you to think about your personal reaction to a legal issue raised in a course. 11 0 obj <>/P 35 0 R/S/Link>> Second, the discussion is seen as one of the most commonly-used teaching strategies (Dallimore, Hertenstein, & Platt, Citation2004). First, teachers need to be emotionally-responsive to students problems to result in better relationships (Yoon, Citation2002). 84 0 obj Previous research emphasised some factors that contribute to the effectiveness of feedback such as the type of feedback, its mechanism and timing (Hattie & Timperley, Citation2007). Authenticity in reflection: Building reflective skills for social work, Learning through reflection: The critical role of reflection in work-based learning (WBL), Exploring a model to evaluate levels of reflection in baccalaureate nursing students journals, Effects of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic goal structures on achievement: A meta-analysis, Reflective journals: Making constructive use of the apprenticeship of observation in pre-service teacher education, Do changes in classroom techniques matter? Exemplification is another teaching strategy praised by twenty-eight students in their journal entries as exemplified below: Also, the examples of good and bad reports were used to give us a clear idea about what we should exactly do in the report. (2010). Reflexive diaries can also be used by those performing research that contains ethnographic methods, and diaries or journals are very commonly used in ethnography. <>57 0 R]/P 24 0 R/S/Link>> The latest version of Quirkos (2.3) contains a new feature which can help with a reflexive journal. Findings indicated that immediacy, intimacy, peer interaction, feedback, and convenience of online access were reported as conditional factors for improving the quality of journaling and its recognition as an authentic learning tool and long applicability. Lincoln and Guba (1982), offers one of the few good published guidelines for what should actually be in a reflexive journal. This section has revealed students reported challenges, which negatively influenced students and made them feel at unease. Do you want to set some goals for next week? Based on Gibbs reflective cycle with its main stages of description, feelings, evaluation, conclusion and action (See Figure 1), I designed a reflective journal template with some guiding questions to probe students reflections on the instructional practices in an English writing course to further improve these practices. I would like to thank the Core Curriculum Program at Qatar University for funding my conference presentation at the 21st Century Academic Forum, Martin Conference Center, Harvard University, Boston, USA, 2022 March 2016, in which I presented the research findings of the current study. However, the chat function works as a great journaling system Even though you are just talking to yourself, each entry has a date and time stamp, and you can scroll up and down the list and remove specific entries if needs be. Keeping a reflective learning journal You may want to consider keeping a learning journal, as a form of informal, regular reflection. A log of methodological decision points, 4. Findings showed that the combination of auto-ethnography and reflexive diaries could offer a useful opportunity not only to enhance student learning but also to secure generic advances in critical analysis and deep learning. I can argue that the reflective journal questions were very structured leaving little space for students to reflect openly, the duration of the intervention programme was short and the sample of this research is not large enough to generalise its findings. But its important to not confuse these with diaries or journals which are given to participants as data collection of the lives and experiences of respondents. Below is an example of one way of approaching it. She defines a different set of 4 roles for research journals which are more focused towards typical qualitative projects and philosophies: 1. This rule encourages students to be more punctual and value time; however, I would rather skip classes than pay a fine for late arrival to class. Join SPSSI; Conferences; COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW. endobj Ten journal entries commented on the teachers strictness as clarified in one sample journal entry below: I feel the teacher is strict, so I have to watch my behaviour in class, not to disturb and annoy the teacher. 59 0 obj %PDF-1.7 % <>1]/P 12 0 R/Pg 62 0 R/S/Link>> choose to publish gold open access in this journal. <>21]/P 34 0 R/Pg 78 0 R/S/Link>> (RJ, Students Reported Challenges, Cooperative Learning, S. 57, week 5). Second, discussion is vital as it affords a democratic environment (Brookfield & Preskill, Citation1999); freedom of speech (Redfield, Citation2000); engagement in learning (Leeds et al., Citation1998), developing thinking skills (Ewens, Citation2000); learning from others contributions (Hertenstein, Citation1991). This section critically reviews previous research that used reflective journals for different purposes: learning and course revision, assessing reflection, and improving students self-awareness. 85 0 obj Implications for instructional practices are provided. The dialogic nature of reflective journals improves students lifelong learning and teachers professional practice in higher education (Rodgers, Citation2002; Rogers, Citation2001). To give their students some electronic feedback is another challenge reported by sixty-two journal entries explored students capacity to on. For instance, ( Gursansky et al., Citation2010 ) explored students capacity to on. Indicated that the quality of teacher-student relationships is negatively affected by students problem behaviours Pianta! Writing was bad because I did not use brainstorming or graphic organisers outline... 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