MYCO-UAL. To be specific, Penicillium molds are found in Blue cheese. It was further divided into 25 sections based on a four-gene phylogeny12. Int. 35. Euops chinesis. Article 9, 17931801 (2015). The sequences of each gene (i.e., ITS, BenA, CaM or RPB2) were aligned using the program MAFFT (ver. Fifteen new species of Penicillium. [14] Even ceiling tiles can support the growth of Penicilliumas one study demonstratedif the relative humidity is 85% and the moisture content of the tiles is greater than 2.2%. Diagnosis: Penicillium verrucisporum characterized by comparatively short stipes, biverticillate conidiophores, ampulliform phialides, ellipsoidal and roughened conidia. Prog. Talaromyces discovered from soil in China, Nocardiopsis changdeensis sp. Subclade III accommodated the rest monoverticillate species in the section (MLBP/BIPP=96%/1.00). Penicillium mallochii and P. guanacastense, two new species isolated from Costa Rican caterpillars. Correspondence to & Jacobs, K. Four new Penicillium species isolated from the fynbos biome in South Africa, including a multigene phylogeny of section Lanata-Divaricata. are filamentous fungi. Mycol. The genus name is derived from the Latin root penicillum, meaning "painter's brush", and refers to the chains of conidia that resemble a broom. Penicillium exsudans X.C. Biol. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of Penicillium section Sclerotiora inferred from the sequences of the ITS region. . On YES 25C, 7 d: Colonies nearly circular, concave in centers, concentrically and radially sulcate; margins moderately wide, entire; mycelia yellow; texture velutinous; sporulation dense; conidia en masse greyish green; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse radially sulcate, reddish brown in centers but yellow to orange at periphery. Penicillium spp. Apart from the species dominant in soil, the species collected from plant materials comprise a substantial proportion. Zhuang, sp. Wen-Ying Zhuang. Mycologia The taxon was described for the first time in 1809 by the German naturalist Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link, who in his time grouped asexual brush-shaped fungi in these. 5), three subclades were recognized. nov. Colonial and microscopic morphology of Penicillium sanshaense (HMAS 248820). Biofuels Fungal cultures were grown on the potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium for 7 d and then harvested for DNA extraction using the Plant Genomic DNA Kit (DP305, TIANGEN Biotech, Beijing, China). Colony morphology of two typical (A) Penicillium roqueforti isolates [ (KE28G (top) and LS04A (bottom))] and (B) P. paneum isolates [ (OY127E (top) and LD104I2 (bottom))] cultured on MEA at 25 C for 7 d. Plates 1 and 2 depict the front and reverse colony view, respectively. 2014). observed under a compound microscope. It is a post-harvest pathogen, that is, it attacks the fruit once harvested. The term bentho It i ued to define the communitie of organim that live in the bottom of aquatic environment. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and the editor for their valuable suggestions and linguistic corrections. Google Scholar. The Ascomycete genus Eupenicillium and related Penicillium anamorphs. Later, in 1824, the taxonP. On CZ 25C, 7 d: Colonies nearly circular or irregular, protuberant in centers with white and orange mycelia; margins narrow to moderately wide, entire or irregular; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation moderately dense; conidia en masse greyish green; soluble pigments absent; exudates abundant, clear; reverse reddish brown in centers but orange and buff at periphery. Crous, P. W. et al. Wang & W.Y. Visagie, C. M., Seifert, K. A., Houbraken, J., Samson, R. A. Link described the genus with three species (Penicillium candidum, P. expansum Y P. glaucum). Zhuang, sp. Typification: CHINA. The genus is affiliated to the family Aspergillaceae, and contains two subgenera, Aspergilloides and Penicillium. Syst. Dried cultures have been deposited in the Herbarium Mycologicum Academiae Sinicae (HMAS), and the living ex-type strains are preserved in the China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center (CGMCC). nov., an endophytic actinomycete isolated from the roots of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. Notes: Penicillium herquei and P. malachiteum were the only known taxa producing biverticillate conidiophores in section Sclerotiora. The most suitable models for Bayesian Inference (BI) analyses were Tamura-Nei (TrN)+G (BenA), TrN+I+G (CaM), and equal-frequency Transition Model (TIMef)+I+G (RPB2). Diagnosis: Penicillium sanshaense characterized by long stipes, biverticillate conidiophores, ampulliform phialides, ellipsoidal and smooth conidia. Taxonomy and evolution of Aspergillus, Penicillium and Talaromyces in the omics era - Past, present and future. Performed the experiments: X.C.W. nov. Colonial and microscopic morphology of Penicillium austrosinicum (HMAS 248734). For example, P. austrosinicum gives rise to cream to yellow sclerotia, and P. hirayamae, P. sclerotiorum and P. vanoranjei form orange ones on CYA at 25C11,34. (F) The conidia production of (D). The growing and accelerated development of humanity has given it new habitats, and they have expanded the ranges of distribution of many species of these microorganisms. Penicillium echinulatum secretome analysis reveals the fungi potential for degradation of lignocellulosic biomass. Stud. Penicillium marneffei colony morphology on SDA,Penicillium marneffei LPCB tease mount Microscopy,conidia, phialides, septate hyphae, and conidiophore of Peni. Mycol. Bootstrap values 70% (left) and posterior probability values 0.90 (right) are indicated at nodes. On CZ 25C, 7 d: No growth. CAS As sister of the new species (Fig. Article On YES 25C, 7 d: Colonies nearly circular, plain, conspicuously and radially sulcate; margins wide, up to 2 mm, entire; mycelia white; texture velutinous; sporulation dense; conidia en masse greyish green; soluble pigments absent; exudates absent; reverse orange in centers but buff at periphery. [27] Furthermore, these recent results suggest that sex can be maintained even when very little genetic variability is produced. Colony morphology of the Penicillium sp. Today it is relatively common to find Penicillium in damp buildings, construction materials, and other human-made environments or structures. Penicillium is a genus of microscopic filamentous fungi, common in the environment. Diagnosis: Penicillium exsudans characterized by strictly monoverticillate conidiophores, ampulliform phialides, subglobose to ellipsoidal and finely roughened conidia. Penicillium choerospondiatis X.C. Tanga, S.K.P. DNA barcodes: ITS KX885062, BenA KX885042, CaM KX885052, RPB2 KX885033. Mycol. The new Penicillium species clearly differ from the existing species of the genus in culture characteristics on four standard growth media, microscopic features, and sequence data. & Kumar, S. MEGA6: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 6.0. Ronquist, F. et al. Rivera, K. G. et al. ISSN 2045-2322 (online). The drug's success in saving soldiers in World War II who had been dying from infected wounds resulted in Fleming, Florey and Chain jointly winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945. They have branched conidiospores. A British study determined that Aspergillus- and Penicillium-type spores were the most prevalent in the indoor air of residential properties, and exceeded outdoor levels. Bootstrap values 70% (left) and posterior probability values 0.90 (right) are indicated at nodes. Morphological and genetic characteristics of the novel entomopathogenic fungus Ophiocordyceps langbianensis (Ophiocordycipitaceae, Hypocreales) from Lang Biang Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam, Species diversity of Pleosporalean taxa associated with Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze in Taiwan, Three new species of Talaromyces sect. Wang, L. et al. Subclade II consisted of five species (MLBP/BIPP=99%/1.00) of which three are newly established. Farming of a defensive fungal mutualist by an attelabid weevil. Wang & W.Y. In this work, we add three new species bearing biverticillate conidiophores to the section. Some Penicillium species affect the fruits and bulbs of plants, including P.expansum, apples and pears; P.digitatum, citrus fruits;[11] and P.allii, garlic. Structure of Penicillium By focussing on both macroscopic and microscopic features, one can easily examine the morphology of Penicillium. They are cosmopolitan in distribution. Yao, G. et al. Magista, D. et al. PubMed 98, 3142 (2006). Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. Ser. Penicillium (/pnslim/) is a genus of ascomycetous fungi that is part of the mycobiome of many species and is of major importance in the natural environment, in food spoilage, and in food and drug production. Lau, P.C.Y. Penicillium johnkrugii differs in producing sclerotia on CYA, MEA and YES at 25C, not producing conidia on CYA at 25C, longer stipes (85230 vs 60130), and slower growth on YES at 25C34. Conidia are round and unicellular. The former two species are located in subclade III and the latter is in subclade I. . 14, 96 (2015). Penicillium chroogomphum, a new species in Penicillium section Ramosa isolated from fruiting bodies of Chroogomphus rutilus in China. Transmission of symbiotic fungus with a nonsocial leaf-rolling weevil. On CYA 25C, 7 d: Colonies nearly circular, plain, conspicuously and radially sulcate; margins narrow, undulate; mycelia yellow; texture velutinous; sporulation dense; conidia en masse greyish green to dull purplish brown; soluble pigments greenish yellow; exudates absent; reverse radially sulcate, greenish brown in centers but yellowish brown at periphery. Recovered from Some species, such as P . Life Cycle of Penicillium chrysogenum Thus, there is a wide variety of commercial packages that provide the necessary nutritional requirements for this crop. State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China, Xin-Cun Wang,Kai Chen,Zhao-Qing Zeng&Wen-Ying Zhuang, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China, You can also search for this author in [17][18], In addition to their importance in the food industry, species of Penicillium and Aspergillus serve in the production of a number of biotechnologically produced enzymes and other macromolecules, such as gluconic, citric, and tartaric acids, as well as several pectinases, lipase, amylases, cellulases, and proteases. [16], Several species of the genus Penicillium play a central role in the production of cheese and of various meat products. University of Almera. For example, P.chrysogenum (formerly P. notatum), P.steckii, P.cyclopium, and P.nalgiovensis affect fuels; P.chrysogenum, P.rubrum, and P.verrucosum cause damage to oils and lubricants; P.regulosum damages optical and protective glass. Many species of the genus Penicillium they have a high economic, medical, ecological and pharmaceutical importance. Stud. They can be found in the air, soil, in plants and vegetables. 52, 338343 (2011). According to the Dictionary of the Fungi (10th edition, 2008), the widespread genus contains over 300 species. These colonies are bluish-gray-green at center and white at the periphery. Article Morphological structures and types of conidiophore branching in Penicillium (a) Monoverticillate; (b) Biverticillate; (c) Terverticillate; (d) Quaterverticillate (see Visagie et al. and W.Y.Z. 3.2.5)46 using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Google Scholar. Identification and nomenclature of the genus. Penicillium austrosinicum was associated with P. maximae (MLBP/BIPP=100%/1.00), and P. exsudans was a sister of P. mallochii (MLBP/BIPP=74%/99%). Conidiophores biverticillate; stipes septate, finely rough-walled, 1252003.54m; metulae 58, slightly swollen at the apices or not, 910.53.55.5m; phialides ampulliform, 58 per metula, 7.582.53.5m; conidia ellipsoidal, rough-walled, 33.52.53m. The first 25% trees were excluded as the burn-in phase of the analyses, and the posterior probability (PP) values were estimated with the 75% remaining trees. (A) Colony phenotypes (top row left to right, obverse CYA, MEA, YES and CZ; bottom row left to right, reverse CYA, MEA, YES and CZ); (BD) Conidiophores; (E) Conidia. 107, 209216 (2015). 78, 343371 (2014). Penicillium salamii strain ITEM 15302: A new promising fungal starter for salami production. nov., isolated from various soils in Korea. At least two ways of asexual reproduction are known inPenicillium, vegetative and by spores. Then and depending on the species and other factors, it can acquire colors such as green, bluish-green, gray or pink, among others. These propagules play a significant role in reproduction; conidia are the main dispersal strategy of these fungi.[8]. Kong, H. Z. Flora Fungorum Sinicorum. Colony morphology A circular piece of bread that has been allowed to go mouldy. 36, 247280 (2016). The detailed morphological differences between Penicillium austrosinicum and related fungi are summarized in Table1. Penicillium digitatum is one of the most critical phytopathogens during the citrus postharvest period. Conidia can be simple (monoverticylate), that is, with a single branch from the conidia to the stipe. Google Scholar. The feature vesiculate conidiophore might not be phylogenetically informative for the group. Notes: Phylogenetically, P. sanshaense represents an independent lineage in subclade II (Fig. Penicillium jejuense sp. Although many eukaryotes are able to reproduce sexually, as much as 20% of fungal species had been thought to reproduce exclusively by asexual means. On CYA 25C, 7 d: Colonies nearly circular, plain, conspicuously and radially sulcate in central areas; margins entire; mycelia white; texture floccose; sporulation dense; conidia en masse green to greyish green; soluble pigments absent; exudates abundant, yellow near centers and clear at periphery; reverse conspicuously and radially sulcate in central areas, orange and bright yellow in centers but white at periphery. Visagie, C. M., Houbraken, J., Seifert, K. A., Samson, R. A. Vegetative reproduction consists of fragmentation, where the hyphae are divided into short segments or fragments. Walzia Sorokin (1871) herquei (HMAS 248817, HMAS 248818) is similar in smooth conidia, but differs in less metulae per verticil (25 vs 68), longer metulae obviously swollen at the apices, shorter phialides, and faster growth on CYA, MEA and YES at 25C. Diagnosis: Penicillium austrosinicum characterized by producing sclerotia on CYA at 25C, strictly monoverticillate conidiophores, ampulliform phialides, subglobose and rough-walled conidia. Although the three strains of P. choerospondiatis were from different sites, they are morphologically identical. Penicillium nalgiovense is used in soft mold-ripened cheeses, such as Nalovy (ellischau) cheese, and to improve the taste of sausages and hams, and to prevent colonization by other molds and bacteria. Furthermore, P. herquei is on a leaf of Agauria pyrifolia, P. hirayamae is on cereals11, P. viticola infects grape35, and P. cainii has been isolated from nuts of Juglans nigra and Carya ovata J. Microbiol. Trans. The genus and Typification: CHINA. Houbraken, J., Wang, L., Lee, H. B. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. As already mentioned before, Penicillium brasilianum it is one of the species used for the production of enzymes in the biotechnology industry. Penicillium salamii, a new species occurring during seasoning of dry-cured meat. Article Hong, C.H.W. Diagnosis: Penicillium choerospondiatis characterized by crustose colonies on CYA, MEA and YES at 25C, no growth on CZ at 25C, short and smooth stipes, biverticillate conidiophores, ampulliform phialides, large, ellipsoid and finely roughened conidia, and occurring on fruits of Choerospondias axillaris. Other species are used in cheesemaking. Numerous studies have identified and classified P. roqueforti at the genus, species and strain levels. Guangdong Province, Shaoguan City, Shixing County, Chebaling National Nature Reserve, Xianrendong Village, 24443N 1141224E, rotten fruit, 1 November 2015, Zhao-Qing Zeng, Xin-Cun Wang, Kai Chen & Yu-Bo Zhang, strain, Xin-Cun Wang, XCW_SN071 (holotype HMAS 248735, ex-type strain CGMCC 3.18412). Scientific Reports (Sci Rep) The red, rapidly diffusing, soluble pigment observed from the reverse is very typical. Houbraken, J. In this study, we describe five new species isolated from the soil and rotten fruit samples, which were collected in Guangdong, Hainan and Hunan provinces of China. In nature, they fulfill the role of decomposers of organic matter. 32, 184306 (2014). et al. This fungus is pathogenic in plants, but several studies suggest that products such as biofuels can be extracted from it. The fungus can be readily transported from the outdoors, and grow indoors using building material or accumulated soil to obtain nutrients for growth. Colony morphology (A) and microscopic characteristics (B) of Penicillium crustosum PcHex1. Fusarium, Phoma, and Alternaria were. Visagie, C. M. et al. Penicillium. glabrum.[24]. Other species are used in cheesemaking. (1827) Mycologia This disease is known as FCR for its acronym in English, which means in Spanish, the disease of the fruit core. The species was considered asexual for more than 100 years despite concerted efforts to induce sexual reproduction. determined by microscopic identification technique based on macroscopic morphological features such as colony types, colony color, size, shape, and hyphae were observed by the naked eye and microscopic features (arrangement of spores and conidia) of different Penicillium spp. nov. Colonial and microscopic morphology of Penicillium exsudans (HMAS 248735). They have a fruitful body. They can be found in the air, soil, in plants and vegetables. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of Penicillium section Sclerotiora inferred from the sequences of the CaM region. On MEA 25C, 7 d: Colonies nearly circular, plain, radially sulcate in central areas; margins wide, entire; mycelia white and orange; texture floccose; sporulation dense; conidia en masse greyish green; soluble pigments absent; exudates tiny and orange; reverse radially sulcate in central areas, orange in centers but yellow at periphery. Stud. Internet Explorer). In China, four taxa (P. adametzii, P. bilaiae, P. herquei and P. sclerotiorum) of the section were recorded in the Flora Fungorum Sinicorum vol. Woo (2018). Conidiophores are at the end of each branch accompanied by green spherical constricted units called conidia. IMA Fungus Sang, H. et al. 2014). It should be noted that Fleming did not discover penicillin but the antibacterial effect of the fungus. 28. 111, 12421248 (2007). The section Sclerotiora belonging to the subgenus Aspergilloides that contains 17 species was established by Houbraken and Samson12. Persoonia DNA barcodes: ITS KX885063, BenA KX885043, CaM KX885053, RPB2 KX885034. The conidiophores of the species in this section were mostly monoverticillate, and conidiophore branching pattern has not been considered of phylogenetic importance. ISME J. It is undoubted that more Penicillium species will be found in the unexplored areas of China as well as in other regions of the world based on the integrated or comprehensive studies of morphology, cultural characteristics and sequence data. Colonial and microscopic characteristics ( B ) of Penicillium austrosinicum and related fungi summarized! Verrucisporum characterized by long stipes, biverticillate conidiophores, ampulliform phialides, ellipsoidal and finely roughened conidia roqueforti at genus! 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