Terrible. Eschatology of the Old Testament (with Apocryphal and Apocalyptic Writings). Prophecy looks toward the consummation and purpose of history. Number one, there will be 144,000 of them who are sealed by God and protected from the plagues of the Great Tribulation. And then, of course, he'll be taken up with the other issues of the invasion of China and Russia, will not pursue them any further, but they will be preserved for three and half years.So, "Thy people will be delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the book." 12:5-13 One of the angels asking how long it should be to the end of these wonders, a solemn reply is made, that it would be for a time, times, and a half, the period mentioned ch. Those who were truly Gods people would be saved through their time of suffering. 29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.. And at that time - At the period referred to in the preceding chapter. (1-3) Introduction: Daniel's state of heart. [Note: Showers, pp. So the book of Daniel is no longer a sealed a book, but an open book and easily understood by any diligent student of God's Word.For knowledge has been increased. Daniel 11:45 Daniel 12 Daniel 12:2 "Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. | Powered by WordPress, The first three verses of chapter twelve set forth the future deliverance of. Michael, the archangel, is responsible for the. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Every one who is found written in the book.. "[1] These premises were confidently contradicted by Keil; and, as we found in our studies of the last paragraph of Daniel 11, there is no reference whatever in those verses to Antiochus. Compare Prideaux, Con. God will nationally deliver all Jews whose names are in the book (Zech 12:10; 13:8-9; Ro 11:26; Re 12:13-17). $42.99. Free shipping for many products! A man's wisdom now makes his face to shine (Ecclesiastes 8:1), but much more will it do so in that state where its power shall be perfected and its services rewarded. Many of them we will be taking in just one week and then moving on into the New Testament. There is an inheritance for the people of God. But you know, when it's all over for a while you lose sight of the stars. Most of those that enter into the kingdom, though, will be those who belong to the Lord and who return with Jesus. Daniel 6:1-14 - The Trap. There is trouble before triumphing for the nation Israel. "Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. Though good and bad alike would be killed in the widespread massacre, the righteous had no need to fear. There shall be a distinguishing resurrection of those that sleep in the dust,Daniel 12:2; Daniel 12:2. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever ( Daniel 12:3 ). The Jews at that time were not, nor have they ever since been, God's chosen people. Thus the very terminology of Daniel's prophecy was used by the Lord and applied to the end of Jerusalem (with overtones of the final judgment also). Free shipping. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. Chapter 12Now it is during the time of this great Battle of Armageddon that Jesus will return. You'll stand with your group in the end of the days, Daniel. ". Those things of God which are now dark and obscure will hereafter be made clear, and easy to be understood. This passage Mr. Brightman applies to the Turkish empire; and thinks that time, and times, and half a time; ( Daniel 12:7 ) , measure the space of the power of that empire; "time" signifying one hundred years; "times" two hundred years; "half a time", fifty years; in all three hundred and fifty years; which added to one thousand three hundred, This does not mean necessarily that he would visibly appear, but that he would in fact interpose. Daniel gives a prophetic overview on the times of the Gentiles that is the four world empires: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. The phrase at that time, however, does not limit what is here said to any one part of his life, or to his death, but to the general period referred to in the time of his reign. Jakob, the context of thispassage deals with Israel. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Video for Daniel 12: Daniel 12 - Everlasting Life, Everlasting Shame A. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. Now Daniel 12:12 offers a blessing: "Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.". Recommended. Seal the book The book was command to be sealed, because it would be long before the words would be fulfilled, whereas those that were shortly to be fulfilled, were forbidden to be . Now, they will not take place simultaneously. .more .more Dislike. For where a man's treasure is there will his heart be also. But at that time your people--everyone whose name is found written in the book--will be delivered. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. at the best online prices at eBay! You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted . He says, Michael, the prince of the people, should stand up Then he states the reason, The calamities of that period should be such as were never witnessed from the beginning of the world As he addresses Daniel, he says, sons of thy people; for he was one of the sons of Abraham, and the nation from which Daniel sprang was in that sense his. From this it follows that the calamities of which he will by and bye treat, belong to the true Church, and not to the profane nations. Stand up - That is, he shall interpose; he shall come forth to render aid. The idea is, of course, poetical, but it expresses with sufficient clearness the thought that there was a Divine purpose in regard to them, and that there was a definite number whom God designed to keep alive, and that these would be delivered from those troubles, while many others would be cut off. In this verse, the phrase "in that time" is repeated three times, identifying this moment as a decisive turning point. "They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the sky; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." Tomorrow morning I get on a jet and tomorrow I eat lunch in Spokane, you know, and it's amazing what you can do now in jet travel. Scripture prophecies will be expounded by the accomplishment of them; therefore they are given, and for that explication they are reserved. Not when you were, you know, shooting those that were trying to come and get your food. I know that there is no Scriptural evidence that points Jesus and Michael to being the same,but these people makean interestingconnection (albeit afalse one), butI stillwould like to know your opinion on theirconclusion, and if the reasoning behind it is not straight. This fact is well known, for I have the book at hand should any one distrust my word. Commentaries on the Book of the Prophet Daniel. The Second Coming of Christ at the end of the Tribulation will resolve the problem of the Middle East. 4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Each study expounds a passage, forms a principle out of that passage, and shows how to apply that principle to your life. Jesus said, "The time of Great Tribulation such as the world has never seen before or will ever see again. Revelation 12:13-17). He was a man of the most impure feelings, as we have already sufficiently made known. of Israel (Dan 10:13, 21). Daniel 1 Commentary Simply click the arrows below each verse to reveal our notes and Daniel 1 commentary 1 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. At the time of the end (Daniel 11:40), Michael, the angel responsible to protect Israel (cf. And at that time Michael shall stand up Michael the archangel, as has already been observed, was ever reputed the guardian of the Jewish people. What manner of persons ought we to be? Michael, the archangel, is responsible for the defense of Israel (Dan 10:13, 21). Those not so enrolled would be cut off under the persecutions of Antiochus. I. Jesus Christ shall appear his church's patron and protector: At that time, when the persecution is at the hottest, Michael shall stand up,Daniel 12:1; Daniel 12:1. It is usual with the prophets, when they foretel the grievances of the church, to furnish it at the same time with proper antidotes, a remedy for every malady. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. The immediately preceding context indicated that Israel would go through a period of great tribulation by the Antichrist (11:36-45). II. That distinction now belongs only to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and to no other. Compare the notes at Daniel 10:13. The net of the gospel encloses both good and bad. And one said to the man that was clothed in linen ( Daniel 12:5-6 ). Rather it is a promise of national deliverance from human enemies (cf. In the book of Revelation we see the time differential between the two. The glory of man is so transient. Although Daniels understanding had been helped by the interpreting angel, the visions and revelations that God gave him had more significance than he may have realized. Verse 4 [4] But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. You can check these in your browser security settings. In the last days, Michael will deliver Israel from their troublesDaniel tells of the two resurrectionsThe wise will know the times and meanings of his visions. They shall shine as the stars of different magnitudes, some in less, others in greater lustre; but, whereas the day is coming when the stars shall fall from heaven as leaves in autumn, these stars shall shine for ever and ever, shall never set, never be eclipsed. That reign was but eleven years, and the fulfillment must be found somewhere during that period. You know, the crowd may be cheering you today but jeering you tomorrow. Because having come through the Great Tribulation will not necessarily ensure your entrance into the kingdom.Then you have to pass this judgment when Christ says, "I was hungry and you fed Me; thirsty and you gave Me to drink; and naked and you clothed Me." Thank you for making my research easier for me, because writing the scriptures are okay. The repetition of "your people" in this verse clearly identifies the Jews, not all believers. - Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. Then He'll be coming with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgment upon the earth and we shall live and reign with Him upon the earth for a thousand years.But to Daniel. The more good any do in this world, especially to the souls of men, the greater will be their glory and reward in the other world. 11 "From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. And they rise to everlasting shame and contempt. Without seeing this vital fact, no one can understand this prophecy. In the following passages the language of death is used to describe a state of spiritual indifference and sin. There is to be a resurrection of the dead. This spirit is always hostile to God and his people (1 John 2:18), and will have its fullest expression in the antichrist who will appear at the end of the age and who will be destroyed by Christ at his coming (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12; Revelation 19:20). Thanks! These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. Peter asked a very pertinent question in the light of the fact that the material world is going to soon be dissolved, the works are to be burned up, the elements will melt with the ferment heat, "What manner of persons ought we to be?" They shall read it over and over, shall meditate upon it, and run it over in their minds; discurrent--they shall discourse of it, and talk it over among themselves, and compare notes about it, if by any means they may sift out the meaning of it; and thus knowledge shall be increased. The great resurrection of the unjust dead will take place at the end of Christ's thousand-year reign, when they stand before the great white throne judgment of God. Peter wanted to know about Johns destiny, so he asked Jesus, What about John? Essentially, Jesus replied, Its none of your business. The Jews themselves understand this of the resurrection of the dead at the end of time; and Christ seems to have an eye to it when he speaks of the resurrection of life and the resurrection of damnation (John 5:29); and upon this the Jews are said by St. Paul to expect a resurrection of the dead both of the just and of the unjust,Acts 24:15. Through Daniels prophecy true believers would then receive enlightenment from God concerning his purposes. It is most important to separate this prophecy and its application from the APOSTATE ISRAEL; FROM THE DEGENERATE VINE; FROM THE HARDENED; SECULAR ISRAEL. They were the Church, the TRUE ISRAEL OF GOD; and it is history that they were indeed delivered, fleeing to Pella, as every student of history knows. Then I Daniel looked, and I beheld, and there stood two others, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on the other side of the bank of the river. Jesus was warning His disciples, or the Jews actually, that when you see this abomination of desolation that was spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place, when you see the antichrist standing in the temple of God declaring that he is God, then flee to the wilderness and don't stop to get your jacket. He will work salvation for his people: "At that time thy people shall be delivered, delivered from the mischief and ruin designed them by Antiochus, even all those that were marked for preservation, that were written among the living," Isaiah 4:3. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. My problem comes in when I began to research because I spend a lot of time doing research. And they are allowed to enter into the kingdom. Those who survived, though they had a longer time of suffering, received a blessing that made their suffering seem worthwhile. May God help us to each one to make an evaluation of ourselves, our own priorities, our own lives, to find out where our values are. There are two resurrections of the just: the Rapture and the Second Coming. Joplin, MO: College Press. See Isaiah 9:2; Isaiah 29:10; Isaiah 60:1; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Matthew 4:15-16; John 5:25; Ephesians 5:14. And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble [the Great Tribulation], such as never was, since there was a nation even to the same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book ( Daniel 12:1 ). No diplomacy or human intelligence will resolve the problem. The unfaithful, by contrast, would never discover Gods purposes, no matter how hard they tried (4).Two other angels appeared to Daniel, to assure him that God had set a limit to the period that he would allow his people to suffer under Antiochus (5-7). 12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. The immediately preceding context indicated that Israel would go through a period of great tribulation by the Antichrist (11:36-45). Find out what we truly treasure. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. "Lord, when did we see You this way?" 7:25, and in the Revelation. Bear them safely to Petra until the Great Tribulation is over." Thy people shall be delivered - To wit, by the valor and virtues of the Maccabees. Accurate description. III. And if any man shall take the mark or worship the beast or his image, he shall be cast into the lake burning with fire and there's no hope for his salvation. Christ said it would occur at the destruction of Jerusalem, which we can definitely pinpoint as an event occurring in A.D. 70. So if a person, and there will be many who will live through the Great Tribulation, they will be able to survive. It is absolutely certain, as Keil put it, that, "These verses do not treat of the times of Antiochus and the Maccabees. There are several books that God keeps (Revelation 20:12; cf. Verse 1 Verse 2 Verse 3 Verse 4 Verse 5 Verse 6 Verse 7 Verse 8 Verse 9 Verse 10 Verse 11 Verse 12 Verse 13 Verse 14 Verse 15 Verse 16 Verse 17 Verse . It was language appropriate to express the thought which he wished to convey, and he, therefore, so employed it. An anti-God spirit had motivated the persecutors of the Jews in Old Testament times, and now the same anti-God spirit was motivating the persecutors of Christians in New Testament times. Daniel had a goal to reach through prayer, and he approached God as a man who would not be denied. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. The Archangel, who has all the angels of heaven under him, and at his command, the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ; who is as God, as the name signifies, truly and really God, and equal in nature, power, and glory, to his divine Father: "he shall stand up"; which is not to be understood of his incarnation, or manifestation in the flesh, for this refers to times long after that; yet neither of his personal appearance in the clouds of heaven, and standing upon the earth in the latter day; but of his spiritual presence among his people, and protection of them, and continuance with them: this respects the spiritual reigns of Christ, the Lamb's standing upon Mount Zion, and the 144,000 with him, Revelation 14:1, and this will be at that time, when the eastern antichrist, the Turk, will be destroyed; for the words are closely connected with the last verse of the preceding chapter; and when also the western antichrist, the pope of Rome, will come to his end; for, as they rose, so they will fall, much about the same time; and then Christ will rise and stand up, as the glorious Head of the church, and as a triumphant Conqueror over all his enemies, and take to himself his great power, and reign, and that kingdom which of right belongs to him. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued. Daniel 12:11. the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke you!. Compare the books of the Maccabees, passim. [Note: Archer, "Daniel," p. 151; Ironside, p. Jakob, this is the same problemwith anumber of the interpretation you sent meinferential logic. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. b. 1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. The big flash, "ohhhhhhh," but the burn out. So don't worry about it, Daniel. Verse by Verse Bible Study. The first three verses of chapter twelve set forth the future deliverance of Israel and the climax to the book of Daniel. and the climax to the book of Daniel. Read the Scripture: Daniel 12 We have come to the tag end of Daniel's great last vision, which occupies Chapters 10, 11, and 12. 1. Reasonable shipping cost. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Designed by Elegant Themes Daniel must comfort himself with the pleasing prospect of his own happiness in death, in judgment, and to eternity. At the close of the verse, the angel presents us with a definition of the Church, as many professed to be Gods people who were not really so. Every one who is found written in the book.. Jerusalem destroyed; final deportation to Babylon, Work starts on rebuilding the temple (under leadership of Zerubbabel), More Jews return to Jerusalem (with Ezra), Alexanders empire splits into various sectors, 301-198 Palestine ruled by Egyptian sector, Antiochus Epiphanes becomes king of Syrian sector, Antiochus Epiphanes desecrates the Jewish temple, Jews under the Maccabees retake the temple, This final chapter of Daniel is interpreted in various ways by different schools of scholars. Those that would have their knowledge increased must take pains, must not sit still in slothfulness and bare wishes but run to and fro, must make use of all the means of knowledge and improve all opportunities of getting their mistakes rectified, their doubts resolved, and their acquaintance with the things of God improved, to know more and to know better what they do know. And we can see how accurately he wrote of the past, and now as we see the things of the past we can also understand as they relate to the present and future. This doctrine is in accordance with the notions that prevailed at that time; and no one can demonstrate that it is not true. Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty-fifth day ( Daniel 12:12 ). It signifies 1260 prophetic days or years, beginning from the time when the power of the holy people . Who are these? And I "oohh" and "ahhh" at the beautiful skyrockets. At the end of the gospel of John, Jesus told Peter about his destiny to die as a martyr for Jesus. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt ( Daniel 12:2 ). Many of those who had long slept in the dust of obscurity and calamity shall then awake, some to that life, and honour, and comfort which will be lasting, everlasting; but to others, who, when they return to their prosperity, will return to their iniquity, it will be a resurrection to shame and contempt, for the prosperity of fools will but expose them and destroy them. Leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles his heart also! Was clothed in linen ( Daniel 11:40 ), michael, the archangel is... Browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website that principle to your Life is used to describe state... Of Revelation we see the time differential between the two that distinction now belongs only to thousand. We have already sufficiently made known live through the Great Tribulation by the Antichrist ( 11:36-45 ) in browser! Purpose of history may collect personal data like your IP address we allow to. 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